Guy was instructed by Stephens Scown Solicitors in the case of Line v Baker anor [2014] EWHC 1368 (Ch); [2014] All ER (D) 42 (May), a most unusual dispute over the ownership of a valuable property in Falmouth. This case was tried in the High Court in London, where Guy acted for the claimant, Miss Line. A variety of allegations had been made over many years by the defendants, who claimed that their father’s estate was not properly administered in the early 1960s.

The claimant sought and has now obtained in a reserved judgment a negative declaration that the defendants have no beneficial interest whatsoever in relation to the property. The case was originally referred to the High Court by the Adjudicator to HM Land Registry because it raised matters of company law. Issues relating to the transfer of shares, tracing, limitation of actions, acquiescence, laches and abuse of process were canvassed at trial.