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Guy Adams, member of our public & administrative law team, has obtained permission to proceed with a judicial review in relation to the residents’ parking scheme in Bath.
Guy acts for Willat’s Charity which was established in 1858 to provide support workers to minister to “the lowest and poorest members of society”. It owns various residential and commercial properties in Bath, which it lets out to maintain an income. It is bringing judicial review proceedings in order to establish its rights, as the owner of properties fronting the highway, to park on the highway in central Bath. The Council maintains that by a Local Order made in 2015 all permit parking in Central Bath is now a matter for its administrative discretion, and under its policy occupiers of some of the Charity’s Georgian properties, which have recently been renovated and brought back into use, are not eligible for permits. The making of the Order was not widely publicised and, as Mr Justice Fraser pointed out in his judgment granting permission for the judicial review to proceed, the single advertisement of the proposed order in the local newspaper did not on its face suggest that anything was going to change. The Charity does not accept that the 2015 Order is a lawful order.
View profile: Guy Adams
If you would like to instruct Guy on a related matter, please contact his clerks: [email protected] or 0117 923 4740.