The Family Courts are backed-up with ever-increasing delays, and that means the people who need to use them aren’t easily able to do so and are waiting longer. The knock-on effect of this backlog is having both obvious and unforeseen consequences.

Children’s Arbitrator, Nick Marston joins a discussion with Naomi Keith (Associate Partner & Financial Planner, Aspire Partnership), Claire Marshall (CEO, Fear Less), Claire Macklin (Divorce & Relationship Coach), Andy Iles (Southside), and Adrienne Cox (Devon & Exeter Mediation Practice) on how the family court delays are affecting families.

Organised by RWK Goodman, Nick and the panel of experts take a look a the complexities in family law and how to seek resolutions outside the box.

In this series, Nick answers the following questions:

  1. Have you seen complications arising from a backlog in the Family Courts?
  2. Is Arbitration good for child family law cases?
  3. Is arbitration the answer to the court backlog?

Read more here: Complexities in family law

Nick hopes arbitration, with the parties having a much greater input into the timing of a case and its procedures, will solve disputes more quickly, with lower costs and less damage to both the parties and the children concerned than is the situation with a court case. Read more about Nick here.