As a specialist planning lawyer, Harry acts as advocate and advisor to a wide range of private and public sector clients, including landowners, developers and other private parties, district, county, borough and unitary authorities, and other statutory bodies such as Historic England and the Environment Agency. He has appeared in the full range of forums and tribunals: planning appeals, call-in inquiries, enforcement appeals, development plan proceedings, judicial review and other High Court proceedings, prosecutions and injunctions.
Having practised at leading London chambers Francis Taylor Building and Landmark Chambers, Harry’s experience of the planning system ranges across the spectrum, and includes a significant number of high-profile, high-value cases.
This experience includes, among other development types: urban extensions and new communities, major infrastructure development, local plans, major residential schemes, supermarket and other retail development, office and warehouse development, industrial processes, wind energy, waste collection and disposal, section 106 obligations and CIL, residential care villages, green belt development, holiday and caravan resorts, car-parking, listed buildings and conservation areas, gypsy sites, betting shops, public houses, advertisements, trees, highways and footpaths, town and village greens, and compulsory purchase.
Harry is the author of a substantial number of articles on planning and environment law, and regularly speaks at seminars and webinars. Recent examples include the following: