Andrew is an absolute go-to for any case. His down-to-earth and commercial approach is much appreciated by clients and he is often the preferred choice.”
Directory Quotes
Andrew is the senior junior of choice for high-value claims. He works ferociously hard, is hugely intelligent, and a truly excellent advocate. ‘He is a superb barrister who can’t be beaten for his eye for detail. He has depth of knowledge and is down to earth, he takes a pragmatic approach to cases.’”
Andrew is excellent at drafting erudite defences and counter schedules. He is adept at probing cross-examination of witnesses at trial and putting forward complex cases in a straightforward fashion. He has in-depth medical knowledge and is a masterful tactician in mediations and without prejudice settlement meetings.”
Andrew is very astute and incredibly hard-working. He has a very forensic approach to breaking down the component aspects of each claim.”
Very hard-working, he never misses a deadline and his work is very detailed. He is absolutely first-rate and one of the most robust leaders in this space.”
Superb advocate, very good in Court. Also provides clear and concise advice which gets to the heart of a case without dwelling on peripheral issues. Very good manner with clients, relatable and engaging.”
A brave advocate who will stand his corner in front of a difficult judge. Clients love him as he speaks their language and provides very sensible and commercial advice. ‘He’s excellent with clients, has a keen eye for detail and is a powerful and persuasive advocate.“